Where Angels Go, Trouble Follows

She makes the most
outrageous suggestions.

- Reverend Mother, I was supposed to...
- We're not natives.

Sisters, please.
I'm going to talk to her again.

I know you find
many of her avant-garde ideas...

more becoming to a coffeehouse
than a convent.

I do, too.
But we are committed to make this trip,
so let's make the best of things.

I realize it isn't easy for you.
But the world is changing,
and if we're to be a part of it...

rather than apart from it,
we may have to make some changes, too.

Even if we don't agree with everything,
it's important that we keep an open mind.

Don't you think so, Sisters?
- Did Sister Clarissa tell you about the bus?
- What about the bus?

The springs are shot, the radiator leaks,
the clutch slips, the block's cracked...

and we need new tires.
- The bus will never make it cross-country.
- It certainly will.

Chuck, at the service station,
said there's still plenty of life in it.

Chuck, at the service station,
doesn't know his gasket from a casket.

The only thing holding
that old jalopy together is a prayer.

What's wrong with prayer?
Nothing, Sister.
Every time I get into that old heap,
I pray to God...

for a new bus!
I can't tell you how grateful we are
for the new bus, Mr. Clancy.

- It's very generous of you.
- My pleasure, Reverend Mother.

Actually, I made a very good deal
through one of our subsidiary companies...

- and, after all, it is a tax deduction.
- Yes, I know.

Isn't it wonderful how our tax structure
brings out the best in people?
