Yellow Submarine

- How do you know?
- I read it in a book.

I don't want to alarm you,
but the years are going backwards.

What's that mean, Old Fred?
Ifwe slip back through time
at this rate,

very soon we'll all disappear
up our own existence.

- What are we gonna do, then?
- We could always try a few buttons.

I want my mam.
Time's fast running out for us,
I'm afraid.

Can't we do something to the clock?
What do you mean, John?
Move the hands forward,
see what happens.

Clever lad.
Something strange is happening.
It's speeding up now.
Funny... a submarine
remarkably like our own.

There's someone in it. Look.
- And they're waving.
- It's a group offellas.

Wave back.
Maybe we're both part of
a vast yellow submarine fleet.

There's only two of us.
Then I would suggest that
yonder yellow submarine is ourselves

- going backwards...
- time!

Look at Ringo.
Oh dear, we're all the same.
Senile delinquents.
And I can hear my beard growing.
We'd better do something.
When lget older, losing myhair
Manyyears from now
Will you still be sending me a valentine
Birthdaygreetings, bottle ofwine
Ifl'dbeen out till quarter to three
Wouldyou lock the door?
Will you still needme,
will you still feedme

When I'm sixty-four?
