Battle of Britain

What about Churchill?
After our last appeal,
what do we hear?

"We will fight them
on the beaches."

With what?
Winston gets
carried away sometimes.

With liquid courage.
That's what they tell me.
Clearly, you don't know him.
David, we are not
asking for anything.

Europe is ours.
We can walk into Britain
whenever we like.

If you think
we're going to gamble...

on Herr Hitler's guarantees,
you're making a grave mistake.

All those years in England seem
to have left you none the wiser.

We're not easily frightened.
Also, we know how hard it is for
an army to cross the channel.

The last little corporal
to try it came a cropper.

So don't threaten
or dictate to us...

until you're
marching up Whitehall!

And even then we won't listen.
Heil Hitler.
It's unforgivable.
I lost my temper.
The maddening thing
is that he's right.

We're not ready.
We're on our own.
We've been playing for time.
And it's running out.
Silly bitch!
