Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice

I feel guilty. I feel confused.
Then express it.
I feel I want Carol...
to open to me more...
but that I close her up...
if I force her to open.
I'm sorry.
I hide my feelings,
and I accuse you of hiding yours.

I do hide my feelings.
I'm afraid of you.
Bob, tell Carol how you feel right now.
Tell her right now.

I love her.
I love you.
I know.
I want you to help me.
As long as I've known you...
I've always been afraid to ask for your help.
I didn't know.
Help me.
He was so angry all the time.
Really hostile. Remember the little guy?
This man sat there for 20 hours...
hardly saying a word.
Pathetic little 40-year-old...
