Korol Lir

I here take my oath
before this honourable assembly,

she kicked
the poor king
her father.

And here's another,
whose warpt looks proclaim

what store her heart
is made on.

Stop her there!
Arms, arms, sword, fire!

Corruption in the place!
Then let them
anatomize Regan.

See what breeds about her heart.
Is there any cause that makes it hard.

You, sir, I entertain
for one of my hundred.

Only I do not like the fashion
of your garments.

Now, my good lord, lie here
and rest awhile.

Make no noise, make no noise.
Draw the curtains...
So, so, so.
We'll go to supper
in the morning.

So, so, so.
And I'll go to bed at noon.
Who's there? What is't you seek?
What are you there?
Your names?

This is the foul fiend! He walks till
the first cock, he gives the web.

Aroint thee, witch!
What are you?
My name is poor Tom!
But mice and rats, and such small

Have been Tom's food for seven long

What, have your Grace
no better company?

Trouble him not. His wits are gone.
