La Caduta degli dei

Will there be a trial?
Is there a specific charge?

I don't believe
such formalities are necessary.

We just have to be careful
of their substance...

and the substance is this:
Before the flames of the Reichstag
are put out...

the men of old Germany
will be reduced to ashes.

Nevertheless, a semblance of legality...
can also be useful sometimes.
But now you must excuse me.
I'm tired and would like to retire.

If you need me.
But to leave like this, like thieves.
We are not the only ones, Elizabeth.
Every day there are a lot of people who
have to leave for other parts of Europe.

We are among the more fortunate.
At least we know where we're going.

- We have friends.
- But when?

The time it takes to get ready
and hand over the office at the factory.

It's all over, Gunther.
It was our fault. Everyone's, even mine.
It does no good to raise your voice
when it's too late...

not even to save your soul.
All we have done
is give Germany a sick democracy.
