La Caduta degli dei

He has nominated you vice president,
and it's fair that it should be so.

But I think that in a moment like this...
I think, yes, in a moment like this,
the presidency...

above all, needs a technician.
What kind of a joke is this?
It's not a joke.
Enormous interests are at stake.

And Martin thinks...
As far as I know, it's the first time...
Martin ever used his head to think.
I inherit the major stock,
and it's up to me to decide.

It is up to me to decide!
I nominate Frederick Bruckmann...
president of the administration...
and general director
of the Essenbeck Steelworks...

and all its associated member groups.
Frederick Bruckmann.
I pulled you up like this
from the nothing that you were.

Herbert's pistol...
Aschenbach's testimony,
the arrival of the SS.

Too much fantasy, Konstantin.
You come with me.
Today, you, too, learned something.
Things you are not taught
in a school like yours.

