
- Hi. Come on in.
- Mr. Baker ?

- Yes, sir ?
- Catholic Press. Hope
l didn't catch you too busy.

- Oh, pardon me. Wait a second.
- Thank you very much.

We're calling on
all the families from St. Rose.

Just have a seat and be right at home.
l'll try not to interrupt too much.

- Excuse me. Okay.
What's your last name again ?
- My name is Turner.

- What was this ? Oh, from the church.
- Yes, l'm from the church.

-Just have a seat, Mr. Baker.
- My wife was tellin' me about that.

l'd like to mention,
first of all, of course,

we're working on the full
authority of the church.

l'd like to mention
this has the recommendation
of His Holiness, Pope Paul.

Uh, l want to mention, first of all,
this is edited by Father John O'Connell.

You may be familiar with this.
And it's published
by the Catholic Press.

Of course, in buying anything Catholic,
you want to look for the lmprimatur.

It's your assurance that,
of course, it's approved.

Then in addition to the regular Bible,
blended right in with the sacred text,
you have all the paintings
by the old masters.

See, here's
''The lmmaculate Conception,''
then here's ''The Story.''

Now, this has your infancy,
childhood and early life,

the Annunciation, the wedding.
- Did you ever see so many
beautiful paintings ?
- That is a-- ''The Story. ''

- How would you like to have
something like this ?
- Well, personally, I--

- lt's a nice set, l'll be frank.
- Thank you.

But, Mr. Turner, believe me,
l'm not trying to-- The wife--

Now, this may sound odd to you,
but she's thinkin' of changin', see ?

lf you notice, l left my name.
l'm Catholic, and l believe in
raising the children Catholic.

lt may kind of push her, see ?
ln other words, she's
a different religion and--

May I ask you this, Mr. Baker--
and please understand that
I'm just a Bible salesman;:

l'm not a theologian
or a missionary--

lt would please you if she were to come
into the faith and join the church ?

- Am l correct ?
- Well, l mean, l'd be happy--

- It'd be wonderful.
- On her own, you understand ?
See, l don't want--

And besides, you're the man of
the house, so this is for your own use.
