
I want to give you a gift...
A bracelet of solid gold.
Look, he gave me's gold!
Look, he gave me...
And me! You're forgetting me!
Please give me some earrings!
That's it!
I'm not giving anyone anything!

No one has ever been able to tell us...
what the realm of the dead is like...
whereas we all know...
how much we like the realm of the living.
And who doesn't know
the Matron of Ephesus's story?

There once was a beautiful young woman...
quite virtuous...
who suddenly was widowed.

According to Greek custom,
the husband's body:

was placed in the crypt:
but the honest and loyal widow
wouldn't leave his side:

Night and days he kept vigil and cried:
and wanted to starve to death:
Everyone left:
only she remained there:
Not far from the tomb:
a thief sentenced to death
had been hanged:

and a handsome soldier was keeping
guard over him:

Why do you want to starve yourself
to death?
