The Gypsy Moths

Three root beers.
It doesn't look like much now,
Mike, but we'll have a hell of a crowd.

We will?
People come into this town
on the weekends from 25 miles around.

I checked all that out.
You the fellows
they're putting up the stands for?

That's right.
Harry told me you were coming.
Who's Harry?
Fellow putting up the stands.
Never seen nothing like that
around here before. No' sir.

It's going to be something.
- Browdy?
- Yeah?

What about the highway?
What about it?
It's too close to the field.
Who's going to pay $2.50 for a ticket...
...when they can park along the highway
and watch for nothing?

Anybody who'd pull a cheap trick like that'
I don't want to think about.

- What do I owe you?
- Forty-five cents.

- You really charging $2.50?
- You're damn right we are.

And it's worth every penny of it!
Still and all, it seems to me
the young fellow has a point.

Kind of foolish for someone to pay $2.50
to see it, if he could...

...just park his car right along here
and watch.

Do me a favor, will you?
Don't spread that idea around.

Hell, no! Business. I know that.
Besides, I happen to own the land
for 150 yards both ways along here.

Anybody wants to park tomorrow
and watch, it'll cost them $1!

That pilot should be along soon.
We ought to get moving.
