The Gypsy Moths

You said you almost went to college.
It didn't work out.
Gentlemen. Sit down.
We really appreciate this, Mrs. Brandon.
We're delighted to have you.
We've plenty of room.

More than we can use.
We take in boarders all the time.

You make it sound as though we had
a "Rooms To Let" sign on the lawn.

What my wife means is that...
...we make a room available each year
for a student from the college.

To be precise.
Where is Annie, by the way?

At the library.
It's only lemonade, gentlemen...
...but if you'd care for something stronger...
No, Mrs. Brandon.
I haven't had lemonade for years.

Of course, the kid here,
he never touches anything stronger.

- Isn't that right, kid?
- Hardly ever.

Of course, Rettig will drink anything.
My! It's stuffy in here, don't you think?
With the windows closed
the house cools off.

No use letting all the warm air in now,
is there?

I'd rather have the warm air
than no air at all' but...

It's hard to believe.
It's been such a long time.
I think Malcolm was about 10 years old
when we last saw him.

He said it'd been a pretty long time.
The summer you fell out
the upstairs' window.

He didn't happen to fall on his head, did he?
That would explain a few things.

We've seen Malcolm since then...
