The Gypsy Moths

Your husband didn't invite Mr. Browdy.
You have contempt for us, don't you?
Certainly everybody here this afternoon.
Maybe everyone else too.
Certainly us.
Why are we contemptible to you?
Do you care?
No, as a matter of fact'
I haven't been back since I left...

...about 12 years ago now. I was a kid.
- Where does your family live now?
- They're dead.

That's why I left.
They were killed in a car accident.

I guess my father was drunk.
I didn't know that at the time, of course...
...later I figured
that's what it must have been.

He was a pretty reckless character, I guess.
They put me in this home.
I was adopted out a couple of times, and...

Why didn't they ever take you?
The Brandons?

I never asked.
It beats motels.
Listen, what was that this afternoon?
