The Gypsy Moths

And after a while...
... after what might be called
a suitable period of mourning...

... I married John.
Then it was all right for a long time.
I mean, we liked each other. We really did.
And then there was the accident.
Malcolm was left with no one and...

... John didn't want him.
I couldn't blame him for that.
He knew I wanted Malcolm
because he was Walt's child.

It was his right not to want him
for the same reason.

Why do you stay married to him?
Why not?
I imagine you're the sort of man
who always manages to find the best...

... and rightest reasons
for everything you do.

Do you think that's possible for everyone?
I'm always hopeful.
Come in.
What are you doing?
I have a rip in this.
It's part of my costume.
Browdy likes for us to look neat.
Would you like for me to do it for you?
No thanks. I sew pretty good.
No luck tonight?
With what?
