The Love God?

But I say, all the beauty
of our glorious country...

is meaningless if its artistic
soul is to be stifled...

by narrow-minded
and antiquated laws.

Is it any wonder this country
has never produced...

a Michelangelo, a Rembrandt,
a Picasso...

when men like Osborn Tremain
are persecuted...

for trying to bring beauty and
art to a culture-hungry public.

Is it any wonder that the rest
of the artistic world...

considers our country
a cultural desert,

when true lovers of art,
like Osborn Tremain,

are crucified on the
cross of ignorance?

Is Osborn Tremain
to be martyred...

for being a worshiper
at the shrine of beauty...

and, through his
artistic publications,

sharing this love
with a culture-starved public?

How long is God-given beauty
to be strangled...

by man-made laws?
The spirits of the great poets of
antiquity stand next to Osborn Tremain,

crying in his defense: "A thing
of beauty is a joy forever."

"Beauty is truth, truth beauty,"
wrote Keats.

Can this court take it upon itself
tojudge what is beauty and art?

In the face of such words as these,
I quote: "She walks in beauty...

"like the night of cloudless
climes and starry skies.

"And all that's best
of dark and bright...

"meet in her aspect
and in her eyes,

"thus, mellowed
to that tender light...

which Heaven
to gaudy day denies."

Lord Byron, 1821.

Quote. "Every obscene, lewd or lascivious
filthy book, pamphlet, picture...

"or other publication
of an indecent character...

"is declared to be nonmailable matter
and shall not be conveyed in the mails...

or delivered from any post
office or by any carrier. "

U.S. Criminal Code, 1909.
