The Love God?

You know, Tremain,
this is your ninth appearance
before me.

As a matter of curiosity, is there anything
new you can say before I pronounce judgment?

If I am guilty of anything,
Your Honor,

it is of being a lover
of grace and beauty...

Grace and beauty!
If your idea of grace
and beauty is this...

this coarse, overdeveloped
caricature of a woman...

Your Honor!
You're speaking about my wife.

Your wife?
Well, that is Evelyn,
isn't it.

My humble apologies,
Mrs. Tremain.

After all these years, it's ridiculous
not to have known it was you.

Now let's get this over with.
As usual, guilty.
As usual, suspended sentence.

Thank you, Your Honor. Uh,
one moment, beauty worshiper.

On behalf of the Attorney General,
may I wish you a final good-bye?

Oh, is the Attorney General

No. You are. The Postmaster
General has been enjoined...

to revoke your fourth-class
mailing privilege.

My mailing privilege! But Your Honor,
a publisher without his mailing...

Is out of business! In other
words, Mr. Osborn Tremain,

your career as a peddler
of filth, smut and dirt is over.

You'll have to find
another business.

What other business? This is
all I know, all I've ever done!

We've ever done.
Chin up. We've weathered storms
like this before, haven't we, Mother?

Not this storm. Without a mailing
privilege there isn't a distributor...

who'll touch a Tremain
publication with rubber gloves.

When will the government stop
interfering with private business?

Let's stop for lunch.
I'm hungry.

Won't you contribute?
Thank you, sir.
