The Love God?

is evidenced by your presence
here tonight.

Accompanied by my daughter,
Rose Ellen, at the piano,

here he is, in that selection
which clearly demonstrates...

why, for 11 years in a row,
he's won the Eastern Seaboard
Bird Calling Contest.

Our own Abner Peacock.
Thank you.
"Summer in the Meadow,"
by Eloise Dudley Fetlock.

On a warm summer's day
as we wend our way

Through the fields
smelling sweetly of heather

As we stroll along
let us hark to the song

Of our dear, little
friends of the feather

Greeting his guests
is the robin redbreast

From the foliage lush
comes the song of the thrush

The kingfisher's bark
The gay meadowlark
The turtledove's croon
The laugh of a loon
Is that a snipe
No, a friendly bobwhite
The herring gull's howl
Hoot of an owl

Mallard duck's cackle
Blue-bellied grackle

A coot, hawk
A crow, an auk

A finch, a swallow
A quail

Tit willow
A grouse, a rook, a turkey
But look
There, overhead majestic and
regal The king of them all
