The Love God?

Now, now, Rose Ellen.
Come on. Come on.

We just have to...
learn to take it on the chin.
Miss Pickering?
Yes, sir.

We'll have to rewrite
that last editorial.

Just head it... um...
last issue.
Dear and faithful friends...
of the bird.
That's it.
Let's go.

And while Peacock's Magazine
may be gone,

it's spirit will...
will live on...

in the song...
of the bobolink;

in the peep...
of the tufted titmouse...

Stop the sale.!
Stop the sale.!

Too late?
- What can I say? - l-lt's
not your fault, Mr. Tremain.

Believe me, it's...
You see that?

That's my great-grandfather.
That's my grandfather.

And that's my father.
And they handed me
a great name.

And I, uh...
Well, I failed.
Did I hear a red-blooded
American boy use the word "fail"?

Tell me I didn't. Mr.
Tremain, I have nothing left!

All I have is a title to a magazine,
a handful of old subscribers...

And a fourth-class mailing
privilege? A fourth-class mail...

My little friend, this is just the
beginning of Peacock Magazine's...

return to the greatness
that once it knew!

Edited by my own staff in New
York, printed on my own presses.

Abner, the Peacock
is going to live!
