The Love God?

The prosecution will proceed
with its opening statement.

Your Honor, ladies and
gentlemen of the jury,

Mr. Darrell Evans Hughes,
who, incidentally, I consider
not only a close friend,

but as our country's foremost
fighter for justice...

and human rights.
Mr. Hughes, in one of his many
television pretrial appearances,

has suggested
that as Attorney General,

it should be I who should be seated at
the defense table next to Mr. Peacock,

protecting his rights of free
and untrammeled expression.

But I have another duty...
a higher duty to perform.
And that is to protect you,
your children, the very
morality of our nation,

from the smut
and moral corruption...

spewed forth like garbage...
from the lecherous, vile,
lewd and licentious mind...

of this filthy,
little degenerate!

Look at his face.
It is the face of a smut monger.

Look at his body:
thin, wasted away...

by the dissipation
and debauchery...

of a life of unspeakable
orgies and depravity.!

What's the matter,
Dirty Abner?

Trying to hide
from the truth?

That's not the truth!

Quiet. The defendant
is ably represented by counsel.

There will be ample time
for rebuttal.

I'm sorry. Ah, you see?
He says he's innocent.

And he does look innocent...
until you look into his eyes.
They're the eyes
of a man obsessed by sex,:

eyes that mock
our sacred institutions,:

"bedroom eyes,"they called them
in a bygone day.

They're the eyes of a man
whose lust knows no bounds,

who lives but
for corrupting others...
