The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

"They flee from me...
who once did seek me out."
I miss you, Jean.
Shall I beg you?

Please, come back.
You have a family.
I am a teacher.

I had a family lastJune.
You were a teacher lastJune.

My God. I wish I had a pound note
for every time I've heard you say...

"I am a teacher. I am a teacher.
First, last and always."

What a firm reminder
your postcard was.

"A postcard
from romantic Italy.

"The incomparable
Giotto frescoes...

How triumphantly his figures vibrate with life.
Yours truly,J. Brodie."

A postcard from my passionate,
abandoned inamorata.

That night
at the studio...

that one night
at the studio...

I was pleased to feel it was I
who enjoyed the tutorial position.

Come back, Jean.
I need you.
