The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

All together now.
Hey, Johnnie Cope
are ye waukin' yet

Or are your drums
a-beatin' yet

If ye were waukin'
I wad wait

To gang to the coals
in the mornin'

The sun!
Forsooth, we are renewed.
Refreshment alfresco.

Enough to go round,
but the lion's share for Mr. Lowther.

This term, I have sworn
to fatten Mr. Lowther...

by a full half-stone.
That is my pledge.
Did I neglect to tell you girls that once,
on leave from the war...

Hugh took me out sailing
on a fishing boat.

We spent our happiest times among
the rocks and pebbles of a small seaport.

Sometimes Hugh would sing.
He had a rich tenor voice.
At other times, he would set up
his easel and paint.

Hugh was very talented
in both arts...

but I think...
I think the painter
was the real Hugh.

But you girls
are my life now.

I am the potter,
and you are my pride.

You are shaping up.
Soon you will graduate
to the senior school...

and I will no longer
teach you...

but you will always be
Brodie girls.

Ah! Here comes
our Mr. Lowther.

"Our minstrel sweet,
oh, synge unto me roundelaie.

"Oh, droppe
the brynie tear with me.

De da de da de da de da
and like a running river be."

Now, Mr. Lowther, you must
cooperate with the fattening project.

It will enrich your voice.
Caruso had the appetite of a giant.

What good care you take of me.
La, la, la, la, la-la
La, la, la, la la-la

I was noticed at the theater.
I was noticed and reported
to Mr. Gaunt.

Mr. Gaunt?
Oh, that deacon at Cramond.

Whatever for?
Well, he considered
Hedda Gabler...

Well, he said
that the choirmaster of his church...

had no business attending that sort of thing
with an unmarried lady and children.

O-Oh, I defended myself...
