The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

Mr. Lloyd might want
to paint me too.

I doubt if having your portrait painted
is going to be your career.

Would you mind shutting the window, dear?
There's a wee bit of a draft.

What do you think
it will be, Miss Brodie?

Uh, what do I think
what will be?

My career.
Well, you're quite
intelligent, of course.

Actually, Sandy, you have
something more than mere intelligence.

You have insight.
There goes Miss Lockhart.
The chemistry teacher?
Yes. She's got
her golf clubs.

Monica saw Mr. Lowther
playing golf with Miss Lockhart...

Well, I know very little
of, uh, Miss Lockhart.

I leave her
to her jars and gases.

We were talking
about your insight, Sandy.

You do have insight...
and Jenny...
has got instinct.

Jenny will be
a great lover.

She's like a heroine from a novel
by Mr. D.H. Lawrence.

The common moral code will not
apply to her. She will be above it.

This is a fact which only someone
with your insight should know about.

You know, Sandy...
you would make an excellent
secret service agent...

a great spy.
Sandy, you must try
not to peer at people.

It makes a most
rude impression.

Why do you think I would
make a good spy, Miss Brodie?

Well, because you are intelligent
and not... emotional.

I've observed this
constraint in you.

It has, from time to time,
distressed me...
