The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

But I am a descendant,
do not forget...

of Willie Brodie.
He was a man
of substance...

A cabinetmaker
and a designer of gibbets...

a member of the town council
of Edinburgh...

the keeper of two mistresses
who bore him five children between them.

Blood tells.
He played much dice and fighting cocks.

Eventually, he was a wanted man
for having robbed the excise office.

Not that he needed
the money.

He was a burglar
for the sake of the danger.

He died cheerfully
on a gibbet of his own devising in 1788.

That is the stuff
I am made of.

I knew you would rise
like a phoenix.

I'm glad I shall not
have to worry about you.

No, I expect that
is to be your gift, Sandy...

to kill without concern.
It is you
who are dangerous.

You see yourself as a conqueror,
don't you, Sandy?

Kaiserian in all
his beauty rare.

But you profess to be
a great admirer of conquerors.

Good-bye, Miss Brodie.
Lord, dismiss us
with Thy blessing

Thanks for mercies
past receive

Pardon all
their faults confessing

Time that's lost
may all retrieve

May thy children
May thy children
