The Reivers

and she's got her nephew visiting her...
so you're gonna have somebody
to play with.

- What's the matter with you?
- Don't mind me.

And, it's usually pretty lively here,
with conventions and things.

But it's quiet now, 'cause it's Sunday.
Maybe they've all gone
to early prayer meeting.

No, I don't think so.
They're probably resting.
From what?
All right. Out. Come on, get out.
If you figure on going home
with us tomorrow...

you be here at the stroke of 8:00
tomorrow morning.

I mean the first stroke, 'cause I ain't
gonna be here to hear the last one.

If you can finish your business
by 8:00 in the morning...

how come you think I can't, either?
here, you keep this for me.
I may lose it someplace.
Now, when I need some,
I'll tell you how much to give me on it.

- Hi, Minnie.
- Hi.

Why, it's Boon Hogganbeck,
with a little blue-eyed child in tow.

Come in, Boon.
