The Reivers

and her husband came out on the porch
with his bulldog.

Be sure and say please and thank you
when they pass things.

Otis, I told you not to do that!
- Boon!
- Hello, Boon.

- How are you?
- Ladies, this is Lucius.

- Well, hello, Lucius.
- Isn't he adorable?

Lucius, I want you to meet Otis,
Miss Corrie's nephew.

How do you do?
I do just fine if I'm left to it.
Our Mr. Binford should be
with us any moment.

He doesn't like us to begin without him.
He's probably waxing his mustache
to keep it up out of the soup.

That'll do, Otis!
Dinner's getting cold and I'm getting hungry.
That's his step now.
Ladies and gents all...
hash time.
Evening, Boon.
Evening. This is a friend of mine.
Lucius Priest McCaslin.

How do you do, sir?
I hurried as fast as I could.
And I'm not late am I, Mr. Binford?
Your hopes are dashed because you are.
That'll cost you 25 cents in the box.

I don't think that's fair. Miss Reba?
Those are the house rules, Phoebe.
A house without rules is not a home.
