The Reivers

Move over, and leave room for Otis.
I'll bet you got in that bed
without brushing your teeth.

I didn't bring anything to brush them with.
You neglect your teeth
and you'll end up with a denture...

floating in a water glass by your bedside.
They'll snap at you in the night, too.

Come on.
One thing I know is boys.
I got eight brothers
from 14 on down, like steps.

And my favorite one
is just your age and size.

His name is Ben.
I don't have any brothers or sisters.
I'll take you on
if you don't cause me too much trouble.

How'd you like that?
I guess it would be all right.
Do you miss your mama?
I started to after supper.
Does she tuck you in at night?
Yes, ma'am.
Don't be sad,
'cause I'm gonna tuck you in tonight.

Sleep tight. And don't let the bedbugs bite.
Good night.
