The Wild Bunch

Go on...
...go for it.
Fall apart.
Walk softly, boys.
What's our next move?
I figure Agua Verde is the closest.
Three days, maybe.
We'll get the news and go to the border.
Maybe a payroll or a bank.
Maybe that damn railroad!
That damn railroad you're talking
about sure isn't getting no easier.

And you boys ain't getting any younger.
We must start thinking beyond our guns.
Those days are closing fast.
All your planning and talking
damn near got us shot...

...over a few lousy bags of washers.
This was going to be
me and Tector's last job!

We spent all our time and money
getting ready for this!

You spent time and money running whores
while I spent my stake setting it up!

I should have been running whores
instead of stealing army horses!

While you did the planning...
:28:50 and Tector was getting
our bell rope pulled by two...

...two, mind you, Hondo whores!
