The Wild Bunch

Watch out, boys!
Take it easy!
Watch him, Tector!
That goddamned son of a bitch!
Get the horses up!
What the hell is going --
Damned old punk! Bastard!
Get up now! Get up there, goddamn it!
Get over here! Help!
What's the matter with you, old man?
Leave him alone!
He'll get us all killed!
I'm going to get rid of him.

No you're not! We're sticking together,
like it used to be.

When you side with a man, you stay with
him. If you can't, you're an animal!

You're finished!
We're finished! All of us!
Mount up.
Appears Brother Pike needs help.
That Brother Pike and the old man Sykes...
...makes a man wonder if it ain't time...
:36:46 pick up his chips
and find another game.

How can you side anybody
when you can't get on your horse?
