The Wrecking Crew

Yes, Operation Rainbow
has entered Phase 3...

precisely on schedule.
You may notify our brokers
in Bombay, Ceylon, and Tokyo...

that the gold will not be... Repeat, not...
be delivered to London on Monday.
We've got one lead from Interpol.
That's where it's at.
Count Massimo Contini.
You name it, he probably owns it.
Oil, steel, railroads, munitions
in a dozen countries.

A multimillionaire, aiming at a multibillion.
I like his style.
Lola Medina.
The office of the President
of the United States.

Mr. MacDonald, because of our balance
of payment deficits...

the gold cannot be replaced.
It must be recovered.
Our best estimate is this:
From the time Mr. Helm
arrives in Copenhagen...

he will have 48 hours
to accomplish his mission.

- Is there anything else, Mr. President?
- No, that is all.

That's all, Mr. MacDonald.
