The Wrecking Crew

Directly under?
The first order is to get out of here.

Yes, sir.
Yes, ma'am.
Mr. Helm. I think we're stuck.
- We're what?
- We're stuck.

- We're stuck?
- Yeah.

- Good.
- Is that all you've got to say?

Oh, dear! I just ruined
a perfectly good pair of stockings.

Poor Lola made the headlines.
It was a rather noisy exit.
Arranged by you?
But of course.
She met with Mr. Helm
for only one reason: to betray you.

So I simply stopped by her place
and dropped off a gift bottle of scotch.

With that inevitable kick in it.
But you disobeyed my orders,
you risked the life of Mr. Helm.

Darling, we discussed all that last night.
It seemed to me that you forgave me. No?
Last night I was in a forgiving mood.
This morning I'm thinking realistically
of $1 billion in gold...
