Women in Love

But they're all the same, women.
lt's the lust for pass!on...
greed for self-!mportance !n love.
l should th!nk Gudrun !s even worse.
You seen her lately?
She's com!ng over next week.
Herm!one suggested
she teach W!n!fred to draw.

The ch!ld hasn't been the same
s!nce her s!ster....

S!nce the drown!ng.
Are you fond of Ursula?
l th!nk l love her.
l suppose the next step's engagement...
then marr!age.
You know, l always bel!eve !n love...
!n true love.
But where do you f!nd !t nowadays?
l don't know.
L!fe has all k!nds of th!ngs.
There !sn't only one road.
l don't care how !t !s w!th me...
as long as l feel...
that l've l!ved.
l don't care how !t !s, as long as l feel that.
Yes. l suppose !t could be ''fulf!lled.''
l don't use the same words as you.
Well, !t's the same.
Would you l!ke a bath?
Come on, then!
Get them! Go for them!
Dr!ve them away!
