Women in Love

l'm too b!g a fool
to swallow your cleverness.

You go to your women,
your sp!r!tual br!des.

Or aren't they common and fleshy enough?
No, you're not sat!sf!ed, are you?
You'd marry me for your everyday use...

and keep your sp!r!tual br!des
for tr!pp!ng off !nto the beyond.

Yes, l know your d!rty l!ttle game.
You th!nk l'm not as sp!r!tual as Herm!one.
Well, Herm!one !s a f!shw!fe!
A f!shw!fe!
So you go to her.
That's what l say. Go to her.

ln her soul, she's as common as d!rt.
And all the rest !s just pretense.
But you love !t.
Do you th!nk l don't know
the foulness of your sex l!fe and hers?

Well, l do.
And !t's that foulness that you want,
you l!ar...

well, have !t. Have !t.
You're such a l!ar!
-There's a b!cycle com!ng.
-l don't care.

Good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
Maybe !t's true...
l!es, d!rt and all.
But Herm!one's sp!r!tual !nt!macy
!s no rottener...

than your emot!onal jealous !nt!macy.
l am not jealous.
What l say, l say because !t's true.

You're a false and foul l!ar.
That's what l say, and you hear !t.
Very good.
The only hopeless th!ng !s a fool.
Yes, qu!te r!ght.
So you take back your r!ngs...
and buy yourself a female elsewhere.
l'm sure there'll be plenty of women
who'll be qu!te w!ll!ng...

to share !n your sp!r!tual mess.
