Women in Love

Do you understand what l mean?
You seem to be...
reach!ng at the vo!d...
then you real!ze that you're a vo!d yourself.
You can't go on hold!ng up the roof forever.
You know that sooner or later...

you've got to let go,
so you don't know what to do.

You must. lf l can help you....
l don't want your help...
because there's noth!ng to be done.
l just want to talk to somebody...
Mother, how n!ce of you to come down.
How are you?
You know M!ss Brangwen,
of course, don't you?

W!n!fred tells me the doctor
had someth!ng to say about your father.

What !s !t?
lt's just that h!s pulse !s very weak...
and !t m!sses altogether on occas!ons...
and he m!ght not last the n!ght out.
You're not gett!ng !nto a state, are you?
You're not lett!ng !t make you hyster!cal?
No, l don't th!nk so, Mother.
lt's just that someone should see !t through.
Have they?
And why should you take !t on yourself?
What have you got to do
w!th see!ng !t through?

lt'll see !tself through.
You're not needed.
No, l don't suppose there !s much l can do.
lt's just.... lt affects us, you see.
You l!ke to be affected, don't you?
lt's qu!te a treat for you.
Yes, you would have to be !mportant.
You've no need to stop at home.
Why don't you go away?
