Women in Love

just sord!d and foul mechan!calness.
l hate your past.
l'm s!ck of !t.
Not as s!ck as l am of the accursed present.
l don't want the past to take !ts place.
l don't want old th!ngs.
The truth !s, we don't want th!ngs at all.
The thought of a house
and furn!ture of my own !s hateful to me.

Madam, !t's yours.
l hope you w!ll both be very happy together.
-We must l!ve somewhere.
-No, not somewhere, anywhere.

Not have a def!n!te place.
Just you and me and a few others.

Where we needn't wear any clothes,
and can be ourselves w!thout any bother.

Rupert, what do you mean,
you, me and a few other people?

You've got me.
l always !mag!ned our be!ng happy
w!th a few other people.

-Why should we be?
-l don't know.

One has a hanker!ng after
a sort of further fellowsh!p.

Why should you hanker after other people?
Why should you need them?
Don't you need them?
Or does !t just end w!th us two, then?
Yes. What more do you want?
lf people care to come along, we'll let them.
But !t must happen. You can't
do anyth!ng about !t w!th your w!ll.

You always seem to th!nk
you can force the flowers to come out.

People must love us because they do.
You can't make them.

l know.
But must one just go on
as !f one's alone !n the world?

You've got me.
Why should you need others?

You must just learn to be alone.
Two teas, please.
D!d you know that Gerald Cr!ch suggested
we all go away together at Chr!stmas?
