

Aw, Joe.
Do you have to go
to work tonight?

They're not called
emergencies anymore.

They're called Patronis.
l suppose you'll be late, huh?
l'll be back in time.
l'll pull that plane out
with my teeth.

MEL: What's this you've found?
Your brother-in-law was
on the snow clearance committee.

Here's the report.
lt says the airport, meaning me,
has been inefficient...

-in snow clearance--
-Grossly inefficient.

causing flight delays,
loss of revenue to airlines,

et cetera.
Signed Captain Vernon Demerest,

How can he say this?
Because he's a no-good,
irresponsible louse...

who'll take every opportunity
to knife me.

DAN: Mobile One, snow desk.
Where are you?

MEL: At the ramp.
Mel, Commissioner Ackerman wants
you at the terminal. Trouble.

MEL: l'm on my way.
CROWD: Close down runway 22.
Close down runway 22.
MAN: Keep moving, please.
-Close down runway 22.
-Keep moving, please.

Close down runway 22.
They'll break it up after
the TV cameras get a few shots.

A lawyer arranged
for news coverage.

That's all we need.
l'd better get in touch
with the other commissioners.

Afterwards you and l will meet
and figure something out...

to calm those people down.
l'll call you.

MEL: Hi, Sis. l thought Vern
was on flight two.

He is.
Sure here early enough.
With the weather and traffic,
Vernon didn't want to be late,

but we just sailed right along.
l thought they were pilots
picketing you.

l was set to join them.
l heard about your report.
Besides everything else,
