
You've got an assistant.
Let Mike do it.

Sit down and relax.
l'll fix you coffee
and a sandwich.

:18:15 thing you should do.
You promised to call
your wife back.

[Telephone rings]
Bakersfeld residence,
Libby speaking.

This is Mr. Bakersfeld talking.
Daddy! lsn't the snow super?
Baby, it's cool, real cool.
Robbie! Daddy's on the phone!
Hello, Dad.
Hi, Robbie.
Are you coming home tonight?
Honey, l'm not so sure.
You see, l--

Say good night, girls.
Mommy wants to talk.

Good night, Daddy.
Good night, Dad.
You hung up on me before.
Don't do that again.

l'm sorry.
l was rushing to the field.

All right.
We don't have time to argue.

You have a dinner jacket there.
Meet me at the hotel.

l can't make it.
We've got an emergency.

l have to stay here
all night.

You can't.
You can't keep
doing this to me.

Listen to me, Cindy.
ln the past month,

you've scheduled me
for seven charity wingdings.

l've made four. That's not
a bad batting average.

ClNDY: l'm not a ball game where
you keep score. l'm your wife.

MEL: Then try to think of
my position for a change.

ClNDY: l'm only thinking
about you.

This isn't just another dinner.
Dad wants to talk to you.

MEL: He's been talking and l've
been saying no for 15 years.

ClNDY: Then why?
lt's a wonderful opportunity.

MEL: You two should have
gotten the message.

l'm not interested
in your father's job.
