
boy, they turned out
to be something real special.

Detain on board...
after landing.
Release only...
to station manager Roth.
l'm going to flight dispatch.
l'll take it.

l'll take it for you,
Mr. Weatherby.

No, thank you. lt'll wind up
in the ladies room.

TANYA: What about the man,
Mr. Weatherby,

the one with the attaché case?
lf Standish wants to find out
what he's smuggling,

let him get ltalian customs
to check.

l won't offend
a paying passenger...

with something that's
none of our business.

l was wondering, what if
he isn't smuggling? What if--

Forget it.
[Door closes]
l'm sorry, Mrs. Livingston,
that he got mad at you.

lt was all my fault.
Never mind.
He'll get over it.

That man was one of the last
to go aboard,

so he probably was on
that bus that was late.

-John, this is Tanya Livingston.

Do me a favor. Read me
the passengers on flight two...

who came out on the bus.
Yeah. Hang on.
l've got it right here.

Never mind the women.
Just the men.

OK. "FRathbone, Marcus J."F
"FBinelli, Luigi."F
"FGuerrero, D.O."F
"FYates, Robert."F
She stood us up, that's all.
l hope that's all.
You or me?
Your wife insisted
that l page you.

She's waiting for you
in your office.

