Auch Zwerge haben klein angefangen

- Where did he go?
- He might have escaped.

l can't see him anymore.
He's trying to cause trouble,
that bad bug.

- Maybe it's crept under there.
- No, no.

No, it's gone.
lt's hiding down there.
Here it comes.
He's beautiful!
Touch him.
Ooh, it pinched me!
l've got a spider with eight legs here.
l was going to knit it a sweater.

l know positively,
spiders have only six legs.

Mine's got eight.
One. . .two. . .three. . .four. . .
. . .five. . .six. . .seven. . .eight.
That means knitting eight sleeves.
You won't mind that.
lf we pull off two legs,
that leaves only six.

We'll tear his ass open.
That's not a nice thing to say.
That doesn't belong there.
- What's that?
- The best man.

- l've made him a top hat.
- lt looks beautiful.

What about that, eh?
Lovely, ain't it?

Does it know what heaven is?
