Cotton Comes to Harlem

Body count is 6,

To steal junk,
I can understand.

A man is desperate,
he needs the money.

But to kill for junk?
I don't get it.

Don't be a boy scout,

A lot of people get killed
every day up here for nothing.

What could be here that anyone
could possibly want that badly?

Seen any cotton
around here lately?

A bale of cotton, sure.
Uncle budd brought over
a bale of cotton.

I bought it from him
for $25.

Where is it now?
What happened to it?
He came back later,
he bought it back
from me for $30.

He hauled it away.
Wait a minute.
He brought it in and then
he brung it out again?

It don't add up,

That's what happened.
Hauled it away where?
He didn't say.
Put out a reader
on uncle budd.

Come on, digger.
To kill for junk.
Well! Did you find it?
What do we got here,
an outraged citizen?

Oh, reverend

Did you find the man who
stole my people's money?

What were you doing at the junkyard
this hour of the night, reverend?

Holding a revival meeting?
He was white,
whoever he was.

You know the man?
What do you mean,
do I know him?

What I mean, sir, is did
you ever meet the man before?

Oh, sure. Same one
who hijacked the rally.

Funny. All the guys
at the rally had on masks.

And, of course, you could
see right through the masks.

Unless, of course, you knew
that they were white in advance.

Have a cigarette.
Where'd you get that?
Mabel hill's apartment,
right where you left it.
