Domicile conjugal

You read it better than you speak it
The problem...
for our employees here...
is transportation.
You have a car?

You can't start at the top,
of course

l'll put you on the scale-models
We've made a model of a harbor...
with the port installations
You'll maneuver the boats...
Like the job?
You'll see: my employees...
are so happy here...
they hate to stay home on Sundays!
That is the port...
based on future plans
At present, the harbor silts up
So we've built a dike
from there to there

Otherwise, it's accurate to scale
Your job will be...
to run the boats by remote control
Push a button and away they go!
Like the job?
''You'll see: my employees...''
''are so happy here...''
''they hate to stay home Sundays!''
He says that to all the new ones!
lmagine writing that
in a newspaper!

Listen: it's about...
