Domicile conjugal

What do you want?
We're closed...
What are you looking for?
A fight!
This is a little place...
no action...

We cater to old folks and children
You don't want to fight them, right?
lf you want a fight,
there's a café...

at the corner. You'll get...
what you're looking for!
What's that?
''Japanese Women?''
l need it for my work
Let's see...
You look good in glasses
l don't like them
l've finished
l know why you like glasses...
She wore them
Your first girl
No she didn't
l thought she did
She made you suffer...
She had me doing in circles!
What a nightmare!
Then, one night, it was all over
At 8 PM, l loved her...
By 9 PM, l couldn't stand her
l was cured!
She said the wrong thing...
And l can't even remember what
lt was a relief
lf l ask something, will you do it?
lt depends...
