Five Easy Pieces

- Yeah, could be adorable.
- And they picked up.

Then it wouldn't be filthy
with Coke bottles and whiskey and...

those signs everywhere,
they should be erased!

All those signs selling you crap
and more crap and more crap.

I don't know.
I don't even want to talk about it.

- Well...
- It's just filthy. People are filthy.

I think that's the biggest thing
that's wrong with people.

They'd be less violent
if they were clean...

because then they wouldn't have
anybody to pick on.

Not dirt. See, dirt isn't bad.
It's filth. Filth is bad.

That's what starts maggots
and riots.

Follow that truck.
They know the best places to stop.

- That's an old maid's tale.
- Bullshit.

Only truck drivers know
the best places to stop.

Salesman and cops are.
If you'd ever waitressed, honey,
you'd know.

- Don't call me honey, mack.
- Don't call me mack, honey.

I wouldn't be a waitress.
They're nasty and full of crap.

You just hold on to your tongue.
Hold on to this.
If you think you can talk to me
like that...

Shut up, all of ya!
I'd like a plain omelet.
No potatoes.
Tomatoes instead.

A cup of coffee
and wheat toast.

No substitutions.
What do you mean?
You don't have any tomatoes?

Only what's on the menu. You can have
number two, a plain omelet.

It comes with fries and rolls.
I know, but it's not
what I want.

- Make up your mind.
- Wait.

I have made up my mind.
I'd like a plain omelet.

No potatoes on the plate.
A cup of coffee and a side order
of wheat toast.

I'm sorry, we don't have
any side orders of toast.

I'II give you an English muffin
or a coffee roll.

No side orders of toast?
You make sandwiches, don't you?

Would you like to talk
to the manager?
