Hi, Mom!

And what you're actually doing
is setting the camera motor on,

and you can just
take pictures of yourself.

That's right.
You just push this button.

Like this?
And as far as the sound is concerned,
the sound is recorded
in this microphone.

- Oh, I see.
- Right here.

Does it have...
what do you...? A zoom?

Yes. Now, I'll show you
how to operate the zoom.

You just twist this like so...
and your subject will come
closer and closer and closer.

Yeah, I see.
- Isn't that great?
- I can do that, right.

- Isn't that great?
- Yes.

Now, are you familiar
with the exposure?

No, I don't really know
anything about it.

Well, you see this little ring
around the center here?

Yeah, right here?
Well, you just turn that
slowly and slowly,

and the camera will automatically
set itself for the proper exposure.

- What's exposure?
- That's right.

Well, it's the correct lightness
and darkness of the picture.

Oh, yeah, I see.
The light and the dark.

Yes. You see how that works?
Now, you want to try the zoom now?
Let's zoom right across the room,
right over there.

I'll take that man's
picture right there.

You're getting him
right in the picture.

Uh-huh. But it's
all out of focus now.

- Well, we'll fix that.
- Oh, I see.

You get sound just like Hollywood.
