Hi, Mom!

And it's not attending marches,
and it's not going to lectures,

and it's not giving money
to the NAACP.

Just what do you want from us?
I want you to check this out,
that's what I want.

Come and see our show,
Be Black Baby.

Listen, we know all about this.
This is nothing new to us.

Intellectual experiences don't have
nothing to do with physical experiences.

You think we're unimaginative?
We've been all through this.

It's not about your imagination.
It's about what you live, lady.

And you can't intellectualize it,
you understand? You have to live it.

It isn't a matter of intellectualizing.
That's what you just said...
you have a good imagination.

Come on, I'll owe it to you,
you bastard!

...well, of course there are.
- You have anything to do with them?
- But of course.

Like what?
We see them in the morning,
we say hello to them,

just like to anybody else.
Look, there are now scholarships.
If you want to take advantage
of the situation now...

You gotta kiss somebody's ass
to get a scholarship.

Oh, come on.
A large part of your clients
are black, aren't they?

Can I ask you
if you ever feel guilty...

I mean, if your conscience
ever bothers you?

Never at all.
Never at all, my friend.

Do you know, do you have
any idea what I'm talking about?

I think I have a good idea
what you're talking about.

Yeah, well, I'll tell you
what I'm talking about, man.

You got stuff in this store
that is the shoddiest merchandise
I've ever seen.

You have committed your life,
you have made it your life's work
to suck in
the poorest people in this town

and sell them
the shoddiest trash I've ever seen

for the most blown-up,
exorbitant prices

I could ever have expected
to see anywhere.

You are a pillar in the system
that is oppressing the black people
and all the poor people in the world,
no matter what color they are, man!

Do you realize that?
Are you aware of that at all?

I'm aware of everything, but I'm really
surprised you're even talking this way.

You notice our prices
that we charge over here?

Do you know what we sell over here?
- Incredibly over...
- We are the cheapest.

We are the cheapest.
We defy anyone
to undersell our prices!

We give everything away.
But you're being a tool, mister!
I'm being used? I'm being used?
For what price?

You being used
to suck in people, mister.
