Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto

The youth!
They write on the walls!
Young students and young
workers go turns at night!

They speak of revolution on the phone,
in the faculty and in the departments!

Use tons of red paint to insult.
I know what I would give them!
Your squadron of paint removers is not enough...

:53:31 discourage this subversive bunch!
- Pace is in the homicide department.
- Who is he speaking to?

With Mangani.
Our youth make connections
when they return to school.

They will go to the university
and in the factories with their long hair.

Wearing overalls stained with fat.
We have to know and check everyone.
We will use even our own children!
Good morning.
"I guarantee
that Mao doesn't want the war."

- Good morning, doctor.
- The interception of Antonio Pace.

At once.
There is important news
on the Terzi case.
