Little Big Man

...had no idea to hurt me.
I was an honoured guest and
they gave me a treat. Boiled dog.

Dog ain't bad, neither.
Greasy, I'll admit,...

...but you'd be surprised
how delicate the flavour is,...

...especially when you're starving.
You see, the Human Beings
adopted me as one of their own.

Shadow That Comes In Sight
taught me the bow and arrow...

...and how to stalk game.
Burns Red In The Sun showed me how
to protect my pale skin from sunburn.

It's little known that some Indians,
like Burns Red,...

...will sunburn their own selves.
But my real teacher was my adopted
grandpa, Old Lodge Skins.

He taught me to read a trail, Cheyenne
language and lots of other things.

For a boy,
it was a kind of paradise.

I wasn't just playing Indian,
I was living Indian.

Only one thing bothered me:...
...I was small for my years.
In fact, darn near a runt.

The Pawnee stole seven ponies.
There's going to be a war party.

But you can't go. You're too little
and weak, like a girl.

Run away now or I'll kick you.
The Indians had never heard of
fist fighting, and it amazed them.

How did you do that?
I'm sorry, Younger Bear.
I didn't mean to hurt you.

The Indian way: never feel sorry
about beating an enemy...

...unless, having conquered his body,
you want his spirit as well.
