Little Big Man

O Lord, look down upon this poor boy
who lived among the heathen...

...and cleanse him of the corruption
of their foul, pagan ways...

...and make him white
again as the snow.

Let him be reborn
and repurified in thy name.

I baptise you in the name of the
Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Mrs Pendrake was right
about temptation.

I'd have nothing to do
with them Jezebels.

I told her about my triumph
over temptation,...

...and we read the Bible
for about an hour to celebrate.

As the weeks went by, I fell more
and more in love with Mrs Pendrake...

...spiritually, of course.
I shall be off for my shopping.
The boy's doing so poor these days,
why not take him along and air him?

- He'd be bored with the shopping.
- No, I wouldn't, ma'am.

All right, then.
You come with me, Jack.

Good morning, Mr Kane.
This is Jack, my adopted son.
What's your pleasure, ma'am?
Well, let's see.
I think I shall have
a sassafras flip.

How about you, buster?
Oh. Yeah, I'll have the same.
Never mind for me.
I must do my shopping.

It would bore you terribly, Jack.
You stay here and have some cake.
