
-This place is for me?
-Yes, sir. This way, sir.

Whoever found it has a genius
for cloak and dagger.

Who picked this cathouse?
I think it was Gen. Smith, sir.
To spite me, that son of a bitch.
-Welcome to London, Georgie.
-Bedell. How are you?

-Is Ike here?
-He asked me to brief you.

Would you excuse us, please?
Let me put you straight about Ike.
We hear a lot about you
criticizing his decisions.

Not really. You know me.
I'm just an old fool.

At times, I do wonder whether
he isn't a limey at heart.

George, this is the toughest coalition
ever attempted in history.

Ike's trying to hold it together
and lick the Germans at the same time.

-It's a hell of a job.
-I understand.

You have an important assignment
connected to the Normandy invasion.

Good. I've studied the Overlord Plan
and there's a number of flaws in it.

You can't depend on Monty taking
Cannes by D-day. He'll never make it.

I've drawn up an alternate plan
to land at Calais. . .

-. . .following an air bombardment--
-Will you just listen for a change?

Ike stood by you when everyone,
I mean everyone. . .

. . .wanted Patton
with a rope around his neck.

We're gonna let it leak out
that you are here undercover.

That you're preparing to invade
at the Pas de Calais.

We hope to pin down
the German 1 5th Army there. . .

. . .so that they can't be used
against us at Normandy.

Is that all I'm good for?
We're going to build an army
of 1 2 divisions around you.
