
Hitler kills more civilians
in London than soldiers.

Expect Montgomery to do anything?
You give me gasoline and I'll gain
ground with it, kill Germans too.

Give me 400,000 gallons.
I'll go to Berlin.

George, I can't do it.
The Siegfried line
is an empty shell.

They stripped the equipment
and sent it east.

It's crawling with cows.
I can punch through in two days.

There's no use in arguing with me.
It wasn't my idea.

Why did you pick me to command?
I didn't pick you.
Ike picked you.
George, you have performed

You are loyal, dedicated.
You're one of the best I've got,
but you don't know when to shut up.

George, you're a pain in the neck.
I have a lot of faults, Brad.
But ingratitude isn't one of them.
I owe you a lot.
Hell, I know I'm a prima donna.
I admit it.

What I can't stand about Monty is,
he won't admit it.

Captain, the Bailey's run out of gas.
The point tank has run out too.
And there's a kraut column up ahead.
Yeah, I know.
