
I want you to start making
contingency plans. . .

. . .for pulling out
of our eastward attack.

Changing directions 90 degrees,
moving up to Luxembourg.

Don't look so stunned, gentlemen.
I want you to plan
for three possible axes of attack.

From Diekirch, due north.
From Orléans to Bastogne.
From Neufchâteau against the German
left flank.

We've identified four German armies:
The 7th, the 5th Panzer,
6th SS Panzer and the 1 5th.

They've hit us with 26 divisions.
They've overran two regimens
of the 1 06th Division.

And 7500 of our men
were forced to surrender.

Our concern is that von Rundstedt. . .
. . .has the 1 01 st Airborne trapped
here at Bastogne.

Bastogne, by the way, is the key
to this entire area.

lf we can hold it, we can break up
the entire German offensive.

lf they take it,
we're in serious trouble.
