Rio Lobo

You'd better leave that bandage alone,
unless you want to start bleeding again.
- How do you feel?
- I hurt.

- You hit your head on a rock.
- I feel like a fool lettin' you take me.

I would, too.
You haven't got a bad leg.
That bandage fooled me.

Bide over there loaned it to me.
It's real blood, too, Colonel.
Made by a Yankee bullet.

- Who knocked me off my horse?
- Tuscarora, here.

I hurt a little, too, Colonel.
You're a big man.

You're the outfit
that's been taking our gold shipments.

- That's the fourth lot you've grabbed.
- The South needs money, Colonel.

I know you from someplace, don't I?
- You do.
- What's your name?

Pierre Cordona.
French mother, Mexican father.
From New Orleans.

Four or five years ago in Abilene.
- That's right.
- Something about a horse, wasn't it?

- Big bay horse. You stole it.
- The hell I did. I won it.

- You won a sorrel.
- The sorrel was lame.

When you play poker, you should know
what you are playing for.

I remember.
We were both on that big bay.

I was in front and you were behind
with a gun in my back.

- Your friends wanted to shoot me.
- I wasn't happy about it.

Colonel, I'd feel better
if you'd stay away from those rifles.

Neither one of us got hurt.
Tell me, what am I doin' in this rig?

Well, Colonel, you used me
and now I'm going to use you.

This time you'll be in front
and get us out of here.

If we run into any Yanks,
you'll be between us and them.

- You'll get shot first.
- I don't know where all our units are.

If you don't know,
you better guess pretty good.

I would start doing
a little thinking before we leave.

- When are we leaving?
- As soon as it's dark.
